Overall, we believe that this song has a slow tempo. Since this track has a tempo of 78, the tempo markings of this song would be The duration of this track is 1:47 and was released on November 14, 2019.Īs of now, this track is currently not as popular as other songs out there.Īge of Empires II Main Theme doesn't provide as much energy as other songs but, this track can still be danceable to some people.Īge of Empires II Main Theme has a BPM of 78. 1 (Original Game Soundtrack) by Todd Masten, Semitone Media Group, which has a total of 23 tracks. This song is track #1 in Age of Empires II Definitive Edition, Vol. Aperture Science Psychoacoustic LaboratoriesĪge of Empires II Main Theme by Todd Masten, Semitone Media Group Information